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h2>Impressum / Imprint

Gesetzlich vorgeschriebene Angaben / german legal stuff:

Redaktion & verantwortlich / responsible for the content:

Boris Birneder
c/o Coworking@A66
Am Holzweg 26
Haus B
65830 Kriftel / Germany

Contact : mail-adress

Keinerlei Gewähr für Vollständigkeit, Richtigkeit und Aktualität.
Jegliche Haftung ist ausgeschlossen.

Note for lawyers

This is an entirely private non-profit website. If you think I am doing something wrong, please contact me - I am sure we'll be able to find a solution.
If you prefer taking me to court without prior communication instead please note that I am not willing to keep silent, but report this matter to a broad audience. Remember that this will probably severely harm your reputation.

Trademark Information

All trademarks are property of their respective owners. They are used for identification and informational purposes only.

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